World of Warcraft Corrects Mislabeling of Calia Menethil in Questline

Emma Jones


World of Warcraft Corrects Mislabeling of Calia Menethil in Questline

In the expansive universe of World of Warcraft, a recent update has mended an error in the questline named 'Reclaiming Gilneas,' where Calia Menethil was mistakenly addressed as 'Queen.' This particular misnomer set off a wave of confusion and irritation among the game's dedicated followers, particularly those aligned with the Forsaken faction, after Calia's participation in a related side story.

Patch 10.2.5, dubbed Seeds of Renewal, was deployed, ushering in various concluding chapters to the Dragonflight saga and paving the way for The War Within. The narrative arc 'Reclaiming Gilneas' features the Worgen race taking back their homeland, which they had forsaken during the Cataclysm events. The plot also drags the Horde into the fray, with characters such as Calia Menethil and Lilian Voss at the forefront.

However, towards the conclusion of this storyline, a quest within the Horde path raised eyebrows. The mission objectives incorrectly bestowed the title of 'Queen' upon Calia, a designation she has never claimed and one which is decidedly rejected both by her and Forsaken's loyal player base. Portergauge, an avid Forsaken player and among the first to spot the error, was relieved to note that World of Warcraft developers promptly amended the quest's description in a subsequential hotfix.

Delving into Calia Menethil's backstory, she is the elder sibling of the notorious Lich King, Arthas Menethil, and originated as the second in line for the Lordaeron throne. Although, at one point, promised in marriage to Deathwing—in his disguised form as Daval Prestor—Calia never ascended to queenship. Despite surviving the downfall of Lordaeron, she experienced a tragic fate at the hands of Sylvanas prior to the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Subsequently, Calia was resurrected as an undead imbued with Light, later assimilating into the Forsaken during the Shadowlands 9.2.5 patch as part of the Desolate Council.

Initially, Calia's reappearance in the Legion expansion was met with delight from fans, but her subsequent renaissance as undead and her integration into the Forsaken elicited a colder reception. Speculations swirled that World of Warcraft creators aimed to refashion her into an alternate version of the 'Good Sylvanas,' especially considering her newer 'Pallid Lady' title paralleling Sylvanas's 'Dark Lady.' Thus, the accidental reference to her as 'Queen' only exacerbated the discomfort with her place in the narrative.

Despite the blunder, it appears Calia herself harbors no aspirations towards the throne. Nevertheless, the character has quite a journey ahead to earn a genuine sense of belonging within the Forsaken community and the hearts of the players who support them.
