Twitter Users Will Manage to Edit Their Posts

Emma Jones


Twitter Users Will Manage to Edit Their Posts

The popular social network Twitter is already testing the most anticipated update this year. According to the results of surveys conducted earlier by the company, they understood that users needed the function of editing tweets. At the moment, if a user makes a typo, they can only delete the tweet and write it again, which is not very convenient if there are comments under it. 

The new editing function will allow changes to the published tweet within 30 minutes. A pencil icon will be next to the publication for other users to understand that the text has been changed. It will also be possible to see the history of changes. On the one hand, showing the history of changes might seem redundant, but the company wants to ensure that users will not abuse the new editing function.

Twitter announced that it was developing this option back in April. The feature was supposed to become available by the end of September. The social network was a bit late in releasing the part. But now that users are confident that Twitter will please them with a long-awaited update, treat the slight delay with leniency. 

However, users of the Twitter Blue account are already testing this feature. They can edit their tweets. The editing function does not apply to retweets, pinned tweets, or replies. 

In addition to being the first to start editing their tweets, Twitter Blue account holders have other benefits for $4.99 a month. They can unsend a tweet, create a personalized design theme, make a custom app icon, and so on. 

We hope that users who have been asking Twitter to add an editing feature for 15 years will finally be able to use it soon. How do you feel about the future update? Are you looking forward to adding the new feature? Which valuable tools is Twitter still missing? Share your opinion.
